Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Two books I could read, and one I couldn't.

Final Exam: A Surgeon's Reflections on Mortality by Pauline W. Chen - The first book to make me cry in years. A must-read, if only because it raises a valid point about end of life care and the way doctors are trained to view it.

Aftermath, inc.: Cleaning Up After CSI Goes Home - Mildly amusing, with some relatively gruesome details. Would've been better if the author didn't go into personal musings near the end, but still definitely readable.

Ship of Gold in the Deep Blue Sea by Gary Kinder
- ARGHHH! The author may be an expert fact-digger, but he's an absolutely awful writer. I tried, and I tried... for over a third of the book, but was absolutely incapable of getting into it. Sigh.

Challenge count-down: 4/100

Saturday, March 26, 2011

100 book challenge.

So.. After 30+ pages on Tale of Daon #2, I hit what I'd like to term "a progressive burn-out". It happens about 6 months to a year into any creative endeavor of mine, and is no surprise.

Therefore, I shall once again pick up reading. 100 books sounds like a reasonable number, about 2 a week, maybe more, maybe less. Maybe I'll finally get to posting those book reviews on here again. Who knows!

Anyway, the first two books, freshly read:

Salt: A World History, by Mark Kurlansky- A highly recommended read. Salt is a surprisingly interesting subject, and I wouldn't mind reading the guy's cod (fish) book.

The Botany of Desire by Michael Pollan- I read it a while back (maybe in highschool?), and recall it being a lot better, factually, than it seems right now. It's still a rather interesting read, but after Salt: A World History, is nowhere thorough enough.



Friday, March 11, 2011

Completing ToD

Some 5 months after beginning, Tale of Daon, part 1 (~100k words), is finished. A couple of people are proofing it, and after that, an unhealthy number of copies shall be sent to publishers.

Onward with ToD #2~!